Part 17: - Week 9
Week 9
When I reload, the indicator for Michelle's interview is still there. Does this mean she actually didn't take the interview and we did even shittier than I thought? That doesn't sound good. Anyway, we're almost in the double digit weeks, and from there, it's not much longer until the halfway point! What are we doing this turn?
Florida: IIIIII
California: IIII
Ohio: I
Fundraise: III
Nothing?: I
Fighting ISIS: II
Abortion Rights: II
Nothing?: I
Supporting Israel: I
Social Security: I

First, we're heading to Florida...

...and giving our Campaign HQ a well-needed upgrade.

Then we head to California...

...and fleece the people there out of some more money. In total, this puts the money we can play with next turn at a cool 1.3 million, so we can build or upgrade anything we want. That's it for this turn.

In the next turn, Michelle goes to Kansas and does nothing, goes to Massachusetts and does nothing, then goes to California and upgrades her Outreach Center. She also gets the endorsement of the unions, which nets her a -5 on Outsourcing of Jobs and a +10 on State Unions. This colors several states light blue that were gray before, but that's just because unions are important in that state, and that endorsement is basically the first thing that anybody did with those states.
Notice that she's doing things in California. We're going to have to see what she does from here, but that level 2 Outreach Center is going to cause us some headaches if we want to keep her awareness down.

We also have enough points to grab an endorsement, so I get the one from the Not-NRA, since I believe that Gun Rights is generally a more important issue than Tax Breaks or Religious Freedom.

Finally, here's the weird polls again. We lost in the issue percentages and popular vote, but no movement in the electoral ones for some reason.
You know the drill by now, don't you?